Monday, 8 September 2014

He knows the Way that I Take

I will lead the blind by ways they have not known,
    along unfamiliar paths I will guide them;
I will turn the darkness into light before them
    and make the rough places smooth.
These are the things I will do;
    I will not forsake them.
Isaiah 42: 16

One of my pastors’s told us about a brother who would go to motor parks to evangelize. He would walk up to a traveller and ask ‘Where are you going?The brother meant where they would spend eternity after death but the question was a good way to get people’s attention. It is a thought provoking question. Where are we really all going in life? We all have our dreams, plans, goals and aspirations but more often than not life doesn’t go as we plan. Things happen, events we can’t control adversely affect our lives things we don’t understand but are forced to acceptLife is full of uncertainties.

Even when like Joseph God lets us know where He is taking us we will likelynot know the way he will take us through to get there. Joseph knew he was going to be great based on his dreams but he didn’t know there would be a pit orprison, never imagined his brothers would want to kill him and then sell him; he didn’t know he would attain that greatness in a foreign land or be a servant. What of having his master’s wife lusting after him and lying about him. But God knew each one of those details if he keeps track of the number of hairs on our head then he knows everything we experience. He is never taken unawares

Isa 42 Speaks so much to my heart because many times in this journey of widowhood I feel like a blind person. I didn’t bargain for this life, don’t want to bring up my children alone and face all the other challenges of life alone. This is why Isa 42 is such a beautiful promise. God is leading us as widows through this way we have not known, along unfamiliar paths. He guides us saying nothis way my dear, a little to the left, no to the right, yes there you are!’ He is turning the darkness around us to light. We all know there are many rough places along this road but he will make them smooth. It ends so beautifully with what I consider a double confirmation ‘this are the things I will do; I will not forsake them ‘do you feel forsaken? God says he will not forsake you. Job23:10 says ’but he knows the way I am going, and when he tests me I will come out as pure gold’.

God knows where you are going but you probably don’t and because he knows he will go ahead of you. You may have been through the fire of affliction but you are coming out as pure, strong and beautiful as gold. Job lost all he had including ten children in one day. I can’t even begin to imagine his grief but he was able to trust God and came forth as gold. God restored twice as much as what he had in the beginning. God gave him double for his trouble though your beginning of widowhood may be challenging, dark and difficult God will give you double for your trouble. For every tear, fear and heart break God will restore and your latter days will be exceedingly great. Go ahead and put your hands and your life in his hands and follow him for he knows the way you take and when he has tested you shall come forth as gold!

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